EDM 13, My phone - I had planned to post it from my phone, just to prove a point. I might be silly, but ok, I'll go for silly, I just love my iPhone. It was a birthday gift from my husband. Has anyone noticed that he gives me fantastic gifts? (The earring from
this post was also a gift from him.)
EDM 14, What you see in the morning when you get up. Unfortunately this is not my window, it's the window in my parents guest room, whom I visited last week end. But isn't it a gorgeous window? I experimented with some masking fluid, but it didn't work well at all with the paper in my sketch book, so it got pretty messy. I might ink the drawing eventually, and see if it turns out better.
EDM 15, A leaf. In the park, I asked my daughter and her friend to bring me some leafs to draw, and this is what they came back with. I have no idea what kind of leaf it is, though.
I guess this one is a WIP. I think I want to add something to it, maybe another challenge, or I might color it. But for now this is what it is.
EDM 16, A (favourite) tool. Not sure it's my favourite tool, but it's handy and I bring it with me in my pen case wherever I go, so it was there for me to draw.
EDM 17, A musical instrument. I played the flute for about ten years, when I was in school. Now I don't any more, there is just no time. And again, when there is time I prefer to draw. Maybe someday I'll take it up again.