Wednesday, April 14, 2010

An apple a day...

I copied this design from my friend's table cloth, which was in black and white, and then colored it with water color. It was a very quick sketch, nothing I put much thought into, but I really like the way it turned out. Funny how the quick and dirty things we do often turn out the best.

I am currently working up the nerve to start using my new sketch book (given to me as a birthday gift by my talented friend and fellow EDMer Anna, check out her blog here) . Why is it that by the end of a sketch book, I don't care what a sketch looks like, I just paint and draw for fun, for practice, to pass time, but the first few pages I get a silly idea that it has to look good and be perfect and get struck by performance anxiety. Anyone else have the same problem? How to get over it?
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  1. I really love this - such a great idea to use the pattern. Can´t believe I didn´t think of it myself ;)

    I can´t help you with the performance anxiety, but let me know when you find the solution....

  2. Anna - well, it's just as I always say: just do it. So I just did it. First sketch is at least started now. I'll show you egen it's done.

  3. I love this apple! Very clean and direct, but interesting and artistic. As to your question, I'm totally clueless, ..... let us all know when you have the answer! nancy

  4. Keeps the doctor away! :) Interesting design, love the colors too.
    As for starting a new sketchbook and wanting it to look perfect, yes..I do understand that, and no I haven't got over it. I always have the feeling that I don't want to waste the pages by drawing something that I wouldn't approve of. Maybe I think that someday I'd use my sketchbook as part of my portfolio... which is very unlikely. But yeah, do let me know when you've found the answer.
    Oh yeah, thanks for your comment of my kitten drawing. I didn't know where to start too. I was just thinking starting from left to right would be easier for my hand since I use my right hand to draw.

  5. Very cool project! I like your apple drawing, spliting up the parts, very modern looking. Would be a great pattern design!

  6. Neat work...and new look to a standard version of an apple...

  7. The color adds a lot to the apple image. I like how it is red on one side and green on the other. As far as the sketch journal goes, I have the opposite problem. When my journal is almost full, I start getting nervous that I am going to really mess it up now that I have gotten so far!

  8. The apple looks cool! Neat watercolor work!
    I'm the same with my sketchbooks. So my solution is to buy many and begin all of them, and sometimes to cut pages I don't like : ) !

  9. Nu har jag också lite äppelkänning i bloggen :D Gjorde min senaste skiss med duken som bakgrund, men jag orkade inte göra den i rätt färgställning så det blev svart på blått istället för vitt på blått...

  10. Wonderful apple! I can't believe the one on the tablecloth was in black and white, when they could have added color and had something as beautiful as this!

    As for the sketchbook...I do the same thing! It takes me awhile sometimes to get up that courage! I had my moleskine sketchbook for almost a year before I cracked it open! I also notice that if the first pages go exceptionally well, I start freezing back up, worrying I'll ruin a good thing. So, maybe the key is to hurry up and do a bad drawing? Get it over with? I bet if you tried to do a bad drawing, it would actually turn out quite well!

  11. I like Raena's suggestion. I have to say that when I just hurry up and draw something that appeals to me RIGHT NOW, I end up liking my drawing better than trying to plan one. So next time you get the urge to play with something like you did here, grab a new journal to do it in. Wouldn't this apple have been a wonderful first page in a new journal?

  12. Lovely, nice and fresh looking.

  13. Lovely apple pattern that you colored wonderfully. Good job.
