Saturday, November 21, 2009

EDM # 249

EDM # 249 Draw a coffee pot
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  1. Your coffee pot is like mine. i will do mine today.
    Thanks for sharing
    lots of love from susan in australia

  2. Yours locks and coffee pot are great sketches. Keep up the good work.

  3. This is a nice drawing! I really like the line work on the bottom. Nice Job!

  4. Wellcome to EDM group Johanna! I loved your first sketches! Please keep on doing them. Keep on sharing them!

  5. Great sketch of your coffee pot. (Reminds me that I have one of these that is waiting for me to get new glass...!)

  6. Lovely drawings here! When you photograph your artwork, you need a lot of light. I find it easier to go outside and photograph them...your pages will turn out whiter and the colors (if you use color) will be truer.

  7. Thank you all for your kind comments!

    Drawn2Life - thank's for the tip about photographing artwork. I will definitely consider taking photos outside. Only trouble is I live in Sweden, and this time of year we get, like 2 hours of daylight every day (apart from the fact that it's really cold). And I think I heard someone say we've had a total of 3 hours of sun during the month of November. Depressing is what it is. But I will try to set up more light, though.

  8. Another lovely post! I am not much of a coffee person, more a tea person but I really like this drawing. It's almost as if you could pull it out of the screen and hold it
